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CHAMPIONS FOR CHILDREN is an annual ongoing giving membership program, which provides direct support to programs that improve the welfare of the foster children in Kentucky. There are over 9,500 children in the Kentucky foster care system. This program combines financial resources and support to allow us to pursue our ongoing mission to provide funding for individualized tutoring, clothing & shoes, summer camps, and other enrichment activities to as many children as possible that enter the foster care system. 


CHAMPIONS FOR CHILDREN is designed specifically to help improve the lives of these special children who have been removed from their homes due to neglect, abandonment, or abuse. Members of this program are very valued supporters of The Foster Care Council, and community leaders making a positive impact. You can make a difference and help these children persevere. Please consider joining us and becoming a CHAMPION FOR CHILDREN!


Membership is an annual tax-deductible gift, with a minimum of a one year commitment. This donation can be given all at once or in equal, automatic monthly payments for 12 months. 


There are three Champion levels to choose from:

  • Gold Champion:     $1,200 per year  ($100/month)

  • Silver Champion:    $600 per year    ($50/month)

  • Bronze Champion:  $300 per year   ($25/month)

Monthly subscribers may choose for their gifts to be ongoing past the minimum one year commitment. 


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  • Bi-monthly Email Updates 

  • Quarterly Networking Social Events 

  • Annual Report 

  • 6 Tickets to our annual western gala, Lasso-A-Dream

  • Foster Hope T-shirt

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  • Bi-monthly Email Updates 

  • Quarterly Networking Social Events 

  • Annual Report 

  • 4 Tickets to our annual western gala, Lasso-A-Dream

  • Foster Hope T-shirt

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  • Bi-monthly Email Updates 

  • Quarterly Networking Social Events 

  • Annual Report 

  • 2 Tickets to our annual western gala, Lasso-A-Dream

  • Foster Hope T-shirt

Our mission is to provide academic, enrichment, clothing, & mentorship opportunities for Kentucky’s foster children that have been removed from their home due to abuse, abandonment, or neglect.

With your help, and the help of our community, we can make foster children feel loved and lead these children to be strong adults. Enrich a child’s life today with hope and  support and put them on a path to a better life! Give the foster children throughout Kentucky a chance to grow both socially and academically! Call The Foster Care Council today to learn more about how you can help.

2121 Richmond Rd #105
Lexington, KY 40502

(239) 248-7699

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© 2023 The Foster Care Council

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