The individualized Tutoring Program is set up so that a foster child will have a chance to succeed in his / her studies. Being taken out of your home and placed in an unfamiliar environment is hard enough; now add having to keep up with homework and studying for tests.
The Foster Care Council provides a tutor to a foster child that is testing below grade level. The Education Training Coordinator will place the child with a certified teacher for 3 hours per week. The child is pre-tested to determine individual academic needs.
The uniqueness of this program is that the tutoring is conducted at the child’s current residence (with the caregiver present), this ensures the child receives the assistance. The child is post tested after six months to determine progression and future academic needs.
Download the Tutoring Referral Form by clicking here.

The Foster Care Council has opened Studio ThriftyFor the Kids, a non-profit, boutique-style store where foster parents can bring their foster children to shop for clothing and other basic necessities at no cost to the families.
Studio ThriftyFor the Kids is fully stocked with basic necessities for children, including new and gently used boys’ and girls’ clothing for infants up to 18-year-olds. The store has an inviting disco theme that is colorful, chic and fun for kids of all ages.
The atmosphere of the boutique was created to ensure the foster children have an enjoyable experience as they shop for clothing and necessities. The goal of Studio ThriftyFor the Kids is to provide a sense of normalcy to foster children by sending them home with basic needs to set them up for success.
Click HERE to message us for more information.

The enrichment program allows for foster youth to participate in the activity or summer camp of their choice; sports, music, karate, the arts or any other activity they want to explore. This opportunity allows for the child to find talents that might otherwise go unrecognized. Thus increasing a child’s self-esteem, attitude in the classroom, school/home behavior and allow them to meet and interact with peers with the similar interests.
Click here to print a request form.

Foster youth age out of the system at 18 years old with minimal life skills. They are given the opportunity to recommit to the state and continue receiving resources, but many individuals say they are tired of being “under the thumb” of the state and want
to be on their own. However, they set out into the world with little to no life skills. They have not learned how to fill out a job application, how to properly interview for a job, how to budget their paycheck to cover monthly bills, and some haven’t even learned proper hygiene. The Foster Care Council (FCC) wants to provide this this mentoring program as a resource to 9th-12th grade foster students expressing the need and desire to learn how to survive and thrive on their own after aging out of the system.
The intention is to have a Certified Mentor Coach (CMC) to properly teach volunteer mentors what to discuss, and when to discuss specific topics with their mentees. Mentors will be asked to assist youth in further developing his/her daily life skills, such as self- confidence, self-esteem, academic excellence, and moral values. Mentors will encourage their mentee to make his/her own decisions and take responsibility for themselves.
A binder with age-specific and age-appropriate guidelines will be created, discussed, and distributed for the mentors to follow. The program is projected to begin Summer 2021. The FCC intends to collaborate with Big Brothers Big Sisters, local community organizations, schools, and businesses in order to access resources and learn from the experiences of others. The FCC will also work with the Cabinet of Health and Family Services, and local foster placement agencies to identify the youth in need of this resource.
Parameters of the Mentor Program:
Serve foster youth in Fayette County
9th-12th grade foster boys and girls will be the focus
Utilize local case managers to recruit mentees in need
Utilize the community and current volunteers to recruit as mentors
Mentors will commit to a minimum of 1 hour a week to their mentees
Mentors will be placed with mentees based on similar likes, gender, and personality
The focus of the mentoring program is to provide a youth with someone they can spend time with, learn from, talk to, confide in, trust, and develop a life-long relationship with.
Sessions can occur at an establishment agreed upon between the mentee and foster parent. The location can change weekly.
The program will be managed daily by the Executive Director (ED).
The ED will work with the mentoring coach to ensure proper structure is being followed and evaluated.
The program will be evaluated by collecting data through open communication between certified program coach, ED, foster parent, mentor, and mentee.
Clear roles will be identified & ongoing training will be provided 
All Mentors will receive a background check
The desired outcome for the program is for each mentee to persevere and become a strong, healthy, productive adult - not a statistic!

My Vibe - A program for foster youths turning 18 that are recommitting to the states Independent Living program. The state provides the youth with an apartment, food stipend and the bare essentials with conditions they are in school or have a job. This program allows us the opportunity to work alongside the individual to design an inspiring, motivating living space they can be proud of and call their own. All the items are donated and are for the individual to keep.
Email cassie@thefostercarecouncil.com for more information